Build Our Future: standing with young people to build a better future
From Rev Dr John Squires
Presbytery Minister - Wellbeing
In 2019 the Uniting Church in NSW and ACT resolved to support initiatives taken by young people in advocating for action on climate change, including the global climate strikes.
Uniting Church people across our Synod participated in the massive School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) rallies held last September and in the online rally held on 15 May.
SS4C and SEED Indigenous Youth Climate Network now ask supporters of all ages to take part in a national day of action on 25 September, titled Build our Future- Climate Justice and Jobs (
What can we do to support young climate leaders and build a better future?
Before the day
On the Day
1. Participate in the September 25 Build Our Future action
Here are some ways you can take part
• Display a sign with the message "Fund our future not gas". A simple way to show support is to make a sign with the message "fund our future not gas" on the day, or even in the lead-up to the event. Why not get one or two others to make a sign with you?
• Take a photo of your sign/banner and post it to social media, using the hashtags #BuildOurFuture and #TurnOffTheGas and #uniting4climate You could also tag it to your state or federal MP, so they get the message as well. Send us the photo so we can share it on Uniting Earth's social media too and create some noise.
2. Support young people in your local area
The SS4C Canberra team is planning action on the day. You can help with their action by creating posters, just like the ones you would make for a climate strike, and either mail them to or drop them off at the food co-op at ANU (3 Kingsley St, Canberra ACT 2601). The group can be contacted at 0413 790 578 or
If you have any questions about the Build Our Future event or the briefings, please contact Jon O’Brien in the Uniting Advocacy team on 9407 3225 or, and Dee Davidian on